
Hey I’m Shane, and I love helping others, especially when it comes to working out. Hopefully you gain some information from this blog that helps you on your fitness journey. If you have any questions, by all means, reach out to me.

COVID-19 Workouts and Learnings (so far...)

COVID-19 Workouts and Learnings (so far...)

Credit to reddit user tunafishsandworm for the meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/foy578/get_to_the_threadmill/

What a situation we are in today.  It’s April and I haven’t stepped foot in the gym for almost a month now.  Whew, never thought I’d see this day come, at least not for a while, and I’m certainly itching to get back into it, but I am definitely interested to see what my strength levels are from the pre COVID-19 to post COVID-19.  I’ll document those here so I can compare when we’re all allowed back in the gym (May? June?)

Incline Bench:  205 x 7 for two sets, 225 x 2

Max Bodyweight Pull-ups:  45

Max Pull-ups with a Plate:  20

Squat:  255 x 7 for two sets

Deadlift 275 x 6 for two sets

Now, I never had any gear or equipment at home before COVID started…but as soon as they announced the gym was closed on Monday morning, March 16th, I went on Amazon and bought two things that I knew I couldn’t do without for my workouts:  a pull-up bar, and a dip station.  Honestly, while I would love to get a straight bar that just screws into the wall, I live in a small studio apartment.  My choices were the doorway pull-up bar or a tower.  Since I didn’t feel like falling on my ass during my umpteenth set of pull-ups on a doorway pull-up bar, I went with a tower:


Funny, I bought this on March 16th and it’s been sold out since.  Looks like folks around the nation are catching one.  Regardless, I liked this one because the height is adjustable, and my ceilings are somewhat low, so definitely keep that in mind if you’re in the same boat.  I also bought a dip stand station:


I like this because you can do all kinds of different things (L-sits, Planches, bodyweight rows, etc).  Anyway, this is the only equipment I’ve had, and I have to say, I’m honestly surprised I never had any gear at home in the first place.  It’s a good idea to have a couple pieces of equipment, and I didn’t realize how much of a game changer that would be having them at home.  Definitely worth every penny (pull-up tower was $124 and dip stand was $49). 

My lovely “home gym”.

My lovely “home gym”.

Now, with that said, what am I doing to maintain strength?  Goodness, I’ll first cover the physical strength aspect (since there a mental strength aspect to this here as well).  Here is my current workout structure, and I’ve kept it very, very simple for now but depending on how long COVID-19 goes on, I might be to make it a bit more complex.

Week 1:  Monday, Wednesday Friday

100 Pull-Ups (5 sets of 20)

100 Planche Push-ups (5 sets of 20)

100 Air Squats (5 sets of 20)

Week 1:  Tuesdays

Test of Max Pull-Ups (started with 30 since I’m using this very unique angled bar that I’m not used to)
4 Planks for 2:00 Minutes, supersetted with 10 L-sit Pull-Ups

4 L-sit Holds for 20 seconds, supersetted  with 10 L-sit Pull-Ups (so 80 L-Sit Pull-Ups when all is said and done)

Week 1:  Thursdays

Test of Max Pull-Ups (30)
4 Side Planks for 2:00 Minutes, supersetted with 10 Planche Push-Ups

4 L-sit Holds for 20 seconds, supersetted  with 10 Planche Push-Ups (so again, 80).

Week 2

Same exact thing, except add 1 rep to each set for each workout (so 1 more pull-up to each set on Mondays for a total of 105 Pull-Ups), 1 more Plance Push-up for 105 total Plance Push-ups, etc).  If it’s timed, I add 5 seconds to the set (see my previous post on Planks).

I’m currently on Week 4, so doing 5 sets of 24 Pull-Ups, 24 Planche Push-Ups, etc.  I’m progressing nicely, and the baby steps are working great.  I am concerned about my legs though – I can only do so many air squats – they’re not very challenging.  I will start looking into pistol squats or maybe a set of dumbbells. 

All in all, I’m happy – I’m doing the exercise that I love (pull-ups), and a few other things to keep me fit through this situation we’re all facing.  But, I need to call-out the importance of mental strength here.  I know it can be incredibly saddening turning on the news and seeing death tolls, unemployment filings, and just general fear in day-to-day life.  What you need to do is tell yourself that this is temporary.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and physical health typically follows mental health (and mental health typically follows physical health), so at the very, very least, turn off the TV for an hour, get in a workout (whatever that looks like to you, whether it’s running, dancing, pull-ups, etc).  Distract yourself and tell yourself that there is light at the end of the tunnel – because there is.  China made it through this – Italy is now flattening the curve – we too will follow suite.  It’s just a matter of time.  Don’t fall off the bandwagon.  As always, reach out if you have any questions.

Move Yourself Out of Your Own Way

Move Yourself Out of Your Own Way

